But wait! I’m special!!
As I continue to push forward in my various hustles, I see a few very interesting things. First, and foremost, I am just as human as everyone else. While I try to sit down and do my blog and the small things that build into big things, the more immediate presses in and I let things fall by the wayside. How does one overcome this? Habits. Very simple: build good habits.
However, this post is more about who we all are. I have been working with someone for a while. I am consistently amazed at his own perceive value. It is very clear to me that he feels that he is irreplaceable. Truly one of a kind. If his company didn’t have him, it would likely fail.
I remember reading an article, I think on qz.com, written by a psychologist who was trying to figure out why so many of her affluent clients were depressed. They had everything one could want: cars, good job, nice home, loving spouse, 2.3 kids, a dog… you get the idea. Turns out, their parents raised them to believe that they were truly special. They were intrinsically special. So, when they looked around and saw that they were like all their friends (affluent, cars, money, etc) they felt like they had not achieved the special life they were promised. Depression sets in. What is more depressing to someone who feels special but to see they are just like everyone else?
Why do I cover this? Why is this my return to writing my blog? Because it is common. So many of us feel like we are truly irreplaceable. When, in fact, we are not irreplaceable. I own a small business. When I look around, I run the place. I am truly indispensible, right? Well, only so far as that particular business, and only legally. There are, literally, hundreds of the same stores as I run throughout the country. I am very not special. I am a coach. I am a mediator. There are plenty to choose from. Am I good? Sure, my clients tell me I am. But, if I was gone, could they find someone else? Sure.
I put this down for us all to push back against the culture that tells us we should have everything because we are special. We are only as special as we create. Looking at people who have truly made it big, have done well, and have built something that shows they are special and you will see someone who worked very hard to create that. They are special because they made themselves special. You can too, don’t get me wrong. But you do have to work for it.